
Dnak 121 – Spring 2021

It’s been a minute since my last playlist, and a lot of things have changed. I’m hopeful that we are finally emerging from this pandemic and that we’ll finally be able to go venture out for live performances at music venues. As much as I appreciate what live streaming brings us (I’ve paid to watch multiple online shows myself), nothing can quite recreate the emotions and visceral thrill of a live music experience. The other change is that I’m back as a free agent (investor and advisor) while making a point of hiking trails in the Bay Area that I had never prioritized to explore. Most trails bring their own nature-based soundtrack, but I appreciate music companionship for some of the longer treks. This playlist features some familiar suspects (Jungle, Roosevelt, St Vincent) and some artists I’ve been less familiar with until recently (LP, Julien Baker, Myd), and much more. I hope you find something new for your listening rotation -Dave

    Amazon Music Unlimited

    You can find and follow my playlist at Dnak 121 on Amazon Music.


    You can follow me and check out DNAK 121 on Spotify